
Berry-licious Breakfast Idea!

My all-time favorite food you ask?


ANY BERRY! Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, huckleberries, goji berries, or even snozberries (but who’s ever heard of a snozberry…perhaps only Willy Wonka)!

I mean, look how GORGEOUS these are:IMG_1293

Even though berry season is just about over, they’re a necessary part of my diet year round (hello frozen fruit section!)…and for good reasons! Unlike other fruits, berries are lower on the glycemic index, so they won’t cause a huge surge in your blood sugar, making them a great choice for diabetics. Remember, all fruit, including berries, are a source of NATURAL sugar, not added like that in cookies and cake, so chomp on nature’s candy for dessert! Along with the antioxidants and phytochemicals packed in these botanical fruits, berries are chock full of vitamins,  minerals and FIBER!

Can you tell that I L.O.V.E. BERRIES yet?!


…especially when topped with whipped cream…but that’s only for special occasions!

When I’m not indulging in my AM smoothie, I opt for BERRIES to kick start my day! I aim to eat at least a cup of berries a day…Big blueberries in my breakfast bowl (see below), raspberries stuffed with chocolate chips for dessert, tart cranberries for Thanksgiving, and goji berries atop my oatmeal (they’re easiest to find dried).

What’s your favorite way to berry??

(Now I made it into a verb!!!)

Cup for cup, here’s how my favorite berries nutritionally stack up against each other:

Cals Fat (g) Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Nutritional Benefits
Blueberries 84 0.5 3.6 14.7 1.1 -Anti-inflammatory anthocyanins (antioxidants) give this berry it’s blue hue-Dementia-fighter & Fat-blaster-Contains: vitamin K, C, manganese
Raspberries 64 0.8 8 5.4 1.5 -Protect against obesity-FYI: Organic & fully ripe raspberries have higher antioxidant content than non-organic-Contains: vitamins C, E, K, manganese, magnesium & folate
Strawberries, halved 49 0.5 3 7.1 1 -Provides 141% daily value of immune booster vitamin C-Contains: manganese, potassium and vitamin E
Blackberries 62 0.7 7.6 7 2 -High antioxidant content & high tannin content, reducing inflammation-Contains: vitamins A, C, K, magnesium & potassium (helps maintain bone health and aid blood clotting)
Cranberries 46 0.1 4.6 4 0.4 -UTI prevention, heart disease protection, lower cholesterol, optimize digestive tract health-Contains: vitamins C, E, K and manganese
Now that you see what puts the “power” in these POWERHOUSE fruits, it’s time to use em!Berry bowl

Seemingly simple, but berry-licious nonetheless, my morning BERRY BOWL is filled with whatever berries I have on hand, some chia jam (coming soon!), and of course, a tablespoon of sunflower seed butter (for a healthy dose of protein, fiber, and fat in my AM meal, all of which, keep me full!). This breakfast bowl all-star, has a winning combo of essential nutrients, plus a hint of sweetness, for just 250 calories, 12g protein, and 12.5g fiber WIN! 

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  1. Pingback: Throwback Thursday: Peanut Butter Jelly Time! | C it Nutritionally
  2. Pingback: Wake Up With These Blub-ti-ful Pancakes…It’s National Pancake Day! | C it Nutritionally
  3. That cottage cheese with berries picture looks incredibly delicious! Definitely my favorite way to get my berry (or “nature’s candy”) fix at the office! Keep up the good work for all of us fans.

  4. Chelsey, this is terrific. The content is so informative and is packed with new food ideas! I think this is going to be so useful for so many people, myself included.