
Small Changes For FAB-U-ARY

Tomorrow marks February 1st, which means it’s almost Valentine’s Day, which means that most of you have dropped your New Years resolution by now…unnamed

Am I right??? 

If your #healthyeating motivation is in desperate need of pushing the reboot button, you’re not alone. Instead of focusing on ONE SUPERSIZED resolution, I’m declaring February the MONTH OF SMALL CHANGES…let’s make it FAB-U-ARY!

Get excited (again) about healthify-ing your life by making small, attainable changes each week that will greatly impact your health, longevity, and energy.

First, let’s focus on HYDRATION.


Staying hydrated, even in colder months, is VITAL to good health. Drinking a sufficient amount of fluids flushes out toxins (who needs cleanses!), wards off hunger by keeping you full, and refreshes muscles, relieving pain after a hard workout! Even better, drinking plenty of water will make your skin GLOW!

But I’m not only talking about WATER (although I do keep a large refillable bottle on my desk at all times!). ANY liquid, and even fruits & veggies (plus some other foods) contribute to hydration.

Here are the small changes I encourage you to implement this week: 

  • Drop soda. Whether you’re a diet or regular *pop* drinker (my midwestern college influence), I encourage you to at a minimum cut back on your consumption this week. Try switching to sparkling water with a slice of lime or orange instead. You’ll still get your carbonated fizz with no calories and no artificial sweeteners.
  • Cut your afternoon caffeine kick. I LOVE coffee and have a couple of cups every AM, but sometimes I also reach for an afternoon cup o’ joe. If you drink any highly caffeinated beverage (soda, coffee, energy drinks, etc.) after noon, try to cut back gradually (I don’t want to cause any headaches!). This extra kick can interfere with your sleep…and no one needs another reason to have trouble sleeping! unnamed
  • Eliminate energy drinks COMPLETELY. Feeding your body artificial energy can’t be healthy, right? Right! Stick to natural sources of caffeine instead. Even better? Sneak in a workout to boost endorphins and naturally feel more energized (and help your waistline!)!
  • Try tea time. I don’t favor this British tradition, but I’m going to try! One-third of Americans already drink tea daily, but it’s time the rest of us hop on board the antioxidant train! No matter which variety you favor (black, green, white oolong, herbal, etc.), the phenolic compounds (flavonols, catechins, and tannins) are anti-inflammatory and soothing for your body. Instead of your afternoon caffeine jolt (see 2nd bullet above), try sipping on tea instead!

PS- Contrary to some myths, tea contains approximately HALF the amount of caffeine as coffee!

  • Keep water on your desk. You know this, but you may not do this. If you keep water in front of you, you’ll grab a sip any time you feel the slightest bit parched (and you’re supposed to sip BEFORE you feel thirsty). Everyone’s water needs are different, so don’t force yourself to guzzle 8 cups a day…(Hint: As gross as this sounds, use your urine color to measure your hydration…it should be light yellow if you’re adequately hydrated.)
Boxed Water
What do you think?
  • Start an AM ritual. Every morning I have a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed in some water. There’s mixed evidence about the benefits of ACV, but I swear it makes me feel all good on the inside. Contrary to what logic dictates, drinking an acidic beverage (even hot water with lemon) actually alkalizes your body, which according to some is beneficial for fighting disease, boosting energy, and feeling your best.IMG_0807

Think up-ing your hydration power is attainable this week? Let me know how it’s going on my Facebook page, Twitter (@ChelsAmer), or Instagram (@CitNutritionally)!

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